Package-level declarations


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data class Assertive(val red: Double, val green: Double, val blue: Double, val alpha: Double)
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data class BorderRadius(val the4: Long, val the8: Long, val the16: Long, val the24: Long, val none: Long, val oval: Long)
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data class CharcoalFoundation(val borderRadius: BorderRadius, val spacing: Spacing, val typography: Typography, val color: Color)
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data class Color(val transparent: Assertive, val background1: Assertive, val background2: Assertive, val icon6: Assertive, val link1: Assertive, val link2: Assertive, val surface1: Assertive, val surface2: Assertive, val surface3: Assertive, val surface4: Assertive, val surface6: Assertive, val surface7: Assertive, val surface8: Assertive, val surface9: Assertive, val surface10: Assertive, val text1: Assertive, val text2: Assertive, val text3: Assertive, val text4: Assertive, val text5: Assertive, val brand: Assertive, val assertive: Assertive, val warning: Assertive, val success: Assertive, val updatedItem: Assertive, val border: Assertive)
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data class Size(val the12: The12, val the14: The12, val the16: The12, val the20: The12, val the32: The12)
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data class Spacing(val the0: Long, val the4: Long, val the8: Long, val the16: Long, val the24: Long, val the40: Long, val the64: Long, val the104: Long, val the168: Long, val the272: Long, val the440: Long)
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data class The12(val fontSize: Long, val lineHeight: Long)
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data class Typography(val size: Size)