A class that represents a single VRM model. This class only includes core spec of the VRM (VRMC_vrm).

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Create a new VRM instance.


    Returns VRMCore


expressionManager?: VRMExpressionManager

Contains VRMExpressionManager of the VRM. You might want to control these facial expressions via VRMExpressionManager.setValue.

firstPerson?: VRMFirstPerson

Contains VRMFirstPerson of the VRM. VRMFirstPerson is mostly used for mesh culling for first person view.

humanoid: VRMHumanoid

Contains VRMHumanoid of the VRM. You can control each bones using VRMHumanoid.getNormalizedBoneNode or VRMHumanoid.getRawBoneNode.


Add a link to VRM spec

lookAt?: VRMLookAt

Contains VRMLookAt of the VRM. You might want to use VRMLookAt.target to control the eye direction of your VRMs.

meta: VRMMeta

Contains meta fields of the VRM. You might want to refer these license fields before use your VRMs.

scene: Group<Object3DEventMap>

THREE.Group that contains the entire VRM.


  • You need to call this on your update loop.

    This function updates every VRM components.


    • delta: number


    Returns void