Class VRMExpressionMaterialColorBind

A bind of expression influences to a material color.




_getPropertyNameMap: any
_initAlphaBindState: any
_initColorBindState: any
_state: any

Its binding state. If it cannot find the target property in the constructor, each property will be null instead.

material: Material

The target material.

targetAlpha: number

The target alpha.

targetValue: Color

The target color.

The type of the target property of the material.

_propertyNameMapMap: any

Mapping of property names from VRMC/materialColorBinds.type to three.js/Material. The first element stands for color channels, the second element stands for the alpha channel. The second element can be null if the target property doesn't exist.


  • Apply a weight to this bind. Applied weights will be accumulated until clearAppliedWeight is called.


    • weight: number

    Returns void

  • Clear previously applied weights.

    Returns void