Class VRMLookAtBoneApplier

A class that applies eye gaze directions to a VRM. It will be used by VRMLookAt.




_getWorldFaceFrontQuat: any

Get a quaternion that rotates the world-space +Z unit vector to the faceFront direction.

Param: target

A target THREE.Quaternion

_restLeftEyeParentWorldQuat: any

The world-space rest quaternion of the parent of the humanoid LeftEye.

_restQuatLeftEye: any

The rest quaternion of LeftEye bone.

_restQuatRightEye: any

The rest quaternion of RightEye bone.

_restRightEyeParentWorldQuat: any

The world-space rest quaternion of the parent of the humanoid RightEye.

faceFront: Vector3

The front direction of the face. Intended to be used for VRM 0.0 compat (VRM 0.0 models are facing Z- instead of Z+). You usually don't want to touch this.

humanoid: VRMHumanoid

Its associated VRMHumanoid.

rangeMapHorizontalInner: VRMLookAtRangeMap

A VRMLookAtRangeMap for horizontal inward movement. The left eye moves right. The right eye moves left.

rangeMapHorizontalOuter: VRMLookAtRangeMap

A VRMLookAtRangeMap for horizontal outward movement. The left eye moves left. The right eye moves right.

rangeMapVerticalDown: VRMLookAtRangeMap

A VRMLookAtRangeMap for vertical downward movement. Both eyes move upwards.

rangeMapVerticalUp: VRMLookAtRangeMap

A VRMLookAtRangeMap for vertical upward movement. Both eyes move downwards.

type: "bone" = "bone"

Represent its type of applier.


  • Apply the input angle to its associated VRM model.


    • yaw: number

      Rotation around Y axis, in degree

    • pitch: number

      Rotation around X axis, in degree

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • euler: Euler

    Returns void


    Use applyYawPitch instead.